
Oh Snap...

Did someone say two months? TWO MONTHS!

And where is my mind currently? Pretty much in that "Throw some cash at it and hope it gets done!" crazy state of holy moly in two months exactly we're getting married in front of our family and friends!

There is still so much to do but right now, we're dealing with it and I'm feeling ok. I'm picking invites up from printers tonight, my wedding band is being cast as I type and should be finished shortly, kilts are practically ordered, and we've agreed on table top decor. Now, you know, to write the ceremony, figure out the whole flower situation (I am so lost on that one that I've barely thought about it), pick piper songs, and create our iPod playlist for the restaurant (oh yes - when I went to the reception restaurant to drop off contract and deposit they let me know that our floor has its own sound system and we can bring our iPod to play whatever music we want!!! It was just one more bit to make me love the wedding we've chosen/created).

And more than all this - I think both Marrv and I are so excited it's only 2 months away because it means only 2 months until we see all of our best friends (both those coming to the wedding and those incredible individuals helping us out even if they're not attending...our magic wedding fairies). And most importantly - only 2 months until Marrv's parents arrive from Scotland! Fortunately, I've got pretty outstanding In-laws. Unfortunately they live across a big fat ocean. It's hard only seeing them once, maybe twice, a year. We skype most Sundays, but it's not the same and this time each year is when Marrv gets especially cranky/antsy -- he knows he sees them soon which is good because he is basically at the point where he can't take seeing them much longer. And now that I've been so lovingly wrapped into this family, I feel the same way.

So yeah -- Two Months! Bring it!


  1. 2 months. Yippppeee. I loved that final time before the wedding where everything just fell into place

  2. Let me know if I can help in any way (y'know--ideas, emotional support). We're DIYing a bunch of stuff, and my mom does flowers for all our family weddings, so maybe we can help pull together some low-stress, high impact plans. Plus my friend is DJing our wedding from playlists, so if you want copies, just say the word. You are going to own these last two months.

  3. It's gonna be AMAZING! Two months will fly by!

  4. Bring it! Glad you're excited and you've got the speed to get shit done!

    Can't believe it's coming up so soon!

  5. I can't wait to see the kilts. Weddings with kilts are awesome.

  6. Hi Ladies - I know...feeling good right now. Especially after I dropped invites at Post Office on lunch break! Boohyah!

    Surprisingly the post office ladies were a dream - especially as I held up the line to get a few more postcard stamps (polar bears? really? the only ones available? oh well, they're tres cute even if they don't fit the Philly theme...), figured out the foreign postage - which was also difficult since in my haste to get them out I went ahead and put a bunch of the regular Liberty Bell stamps on envelopes that I knew were going overseas. Awesome. So those got liberty bells AND polar bears! Then the other foreign envelopes, then licking all 40 or so of them...I thought my tongue might fall out of my head.

    Just found out our best man and wife is coming for the whole weekend - Friday to Monday, and it's one small thing that just MADE MY DAY. Remember way back when I was feeling guilty about people spending money for our little thing? Well as it turns out, it seems everyone else is just as excited as us and looking forward to good weekend of hanging out and celebrating- and that just makes me have perma-grin!

    Thank you all for checking in!!

    And @Olivia - rock it this weekend sister!! I can't wait to see photos! (and I sent you email about how I'd like to chat about some things once you're a WIFEY)

  7. So exciting!!! That's the best time, right before the wedding. Enjoy every second! :)
