The prize is a loving, healthy, challenging marriage and life together right?
Wrong! It's the honeymoon! (ok, no. I don't really think that a vacation is more of a prize than our loving, healthy, and challenging - as in challenge each other to be better people - marriage and baby family BUT I do really like vacation too)
And even though we're only 5 weeks away from the big day and there are still plenty of wedding-related chores and decisions to be made....we've been overly focused on the whole 'let's take a trip' part of it.
As I've mentioned before, immediately following the wedding we are jetting off for a week of sunshine in Florida with my in-laws (yay!), my sister (another yay!) and my aunt (the final yay!). This was always the original Christmas 2010 plan and then we decided to throw the wedding onto the beginning of all that - and we're pumped for this (I keep working on my facial and full fist pump/knee on the ground reaction so that I'm totally prepared when I get my wand from the Wizarding World of HP!). However, it is NOT the "honeymoon".
To make it just a tad more complicated (of course it's always more complicated...), we need to make a trip to Scotland next year to have a festive celebration with the rest of Marrv's family who can't be with us this December in Philly. I know, woe is us. It's pretty rad and we're pumped for that too. When we originally thought about this, we said - ok, why not just fly to Scotland and party, then get on a flight for somewhere else in Europe to be all romantical together, then return to Scotland for a night and fly home. And we came up with Portugal.
Well now that we are actually trying to sit down and discuss timing and of course, money (I hate you money. Or rather I hate you money that I don't have), it's even more complicated. Basically because of our work schedules the best (maybe only?) time we can travel is the June/July time frame - Hellllloooo high season. Now I'm a pretty crafty traveler, and I've been spending the past few days working all sorts of mojo but I just don't see us getting to Europe those dates for less than $1200 PER ticket. ouch.
Which has made us do a little reconsidering...perhaps after the party we can hire a car and travel in Scotland?