
Settling In

So even by my on and off blogging standards, I've been awfully quiet the last few weeks. Following the wedding weekend we were off to Florida for the holidays with family. And then when we returned we had a few days remaining before my in-laws flew home to Scotland. We spent a great deal of effort trying to absorb every minute we could with them as we know we won't see them again until Christmas 2011 - and that's a very hard realization.

Top it all off with a cold and trying to find the motivation to return to work after such an amazing few weeks off...well, I'm a little at a loss for blog writing at the moment.

But I will be back soon and hopefully with photos! We're still waiting on the professional ones and I'm going to wait for those for recaps though I'll start with events before the "big" day since I have my own shots of those events.

Here is my favorite from our first night in Florida though... a beautiful south Florida sunset as husband and wife! This is the image I keep going to in my mind - it's where my head is at the moment ... content, comfortable and happy.